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Fees management Copy section link Copied!

Understand AgoraPay fees Copy section link Copied!

With AgoraPay, you will be subject to three kinds of fees:

  • One-time fees
  • Recurring fees
  • Bank fees

One-time fees Copy section link Copied!

The one-time fee is for enrolling a new seller and is done before a vendor's onboarding. This is the only fixed cost applied by AgoraPay.

Recurring fees Copy section link Copied!

The second type of fee you will be subject to is the recurring fee that occurs for every payin or payout transaction.
AgoraPay will automatically manage the fees withdrawal based on the pricing policy whether it is for payin or payout transactions.

These fees will appear in red in your daily summary account balance on AgoraPay portal along with:

  • The type of operation and its reference number
  • The date of the operation
  • The status of the operation
  • The fee amount withdrawn

Payin fees Copy section link Copied!

The payin fees are the transactional fee applied to every transaction. It is the same fee whether it is a single-vendor single-product transaction or a multi-vendor multi-product transaction. You will be able to track these fees in the daily balance of your platform account dashboard.

These fees are withdrawn directly from your commission fees account.

Payout fees Copy section link Copied!

There are two possible scenarios for the payout fees:

  • If the payout is done within the eurozone, you will not be charged. You will not see any transaction fee linked to your payout.
  • If the payout is done outside of the eurozone, a fixed transaction fee will be charged directly to your commission account. The fee will appear in your daily account balance account summary along with the other fee types.

Bank fees Copy section link Copied!

The bank fees can be considered as the recurring fees linked to bank regulations. They represent a percentage of each transaction happening every day. Your platform accounts portal allow you to track these fees on a daily basis for each transaction.